
Ryudanwo w'ulqarym'den kylshyq syg'aas. Qad'paltrang lozaldn tyw'torlthyrn. Taz'voldin yth'kynna krym'salthrak. Enkalyrn syg'denwhanese qyndal.

English translation

The dragons fly over the mountains. The people walk along the winding road. The sun shines upon the rolling hills. This is the language of Denwhanese.

Decoder for each letter

  • R - /r/
  • y - /j/
  • u - /u/
  • d - /d/
  • a - /a/
  • n - /n/
  • w - /w/
  • o - /o/
  • ' - glottal stop (pause in speech)
  • l - /l/
  • q - /kʷ/
  • r - /r/
  • m - /m/
  • k - /k/
  • s - /s/
  • p - /p/
  • t - /t/
  • z - /z/
  • v - /v/
  • y - /j/
  • e - /ɛ/
  • f - /f/
  • h - /h/
  • g - /g/
  • j - /ʒ/
  • b - /b/
  • c - /ʃ/
  • x - /ks/
  • i - /i/

Tyw'enkalyrn qyndal

Nol'denwhanese taz'altrin kyr'jynna. Syg'voldin kyl'ulqarn loz'kalthrak. Qad'torlthyrn yth'ryudanwo krym'syg. Tyw'enkalyrn qyndal.

English translation

The Denwhanese language is beautiful. The rolling hills are green and majestic. The dragons fly through the sky. We speak this language.

Decoder for each letter

  • N - /n/
  • o - /o/
  • l - /l/
  • ' - glottal stop (pause in speech)
  • d - /d/
  • e - /ɛ/
  • n - /n/
  • w - /w/
  • h - /h/
  • a - /a/
  • s - /s/
  • t - /t/
  • z - /z/
  • i - /i/
  • r - /r/
  • k - /k/
  • y - /j/
  • j - /ʒ/
  • g - /g/
  • m - /m/
  • v - /v/
  • u - /u/
  • p - /p/
  • c - /ʃ/
  • q - /kʷ/
  • b - /b/
  • x - /ks/
  • f - /f/

Krym'ulqarn loz'voldin ryudanwo syg'torlthyrn

Krym'ulqarn loz'voldin ryudanwo syg'torlthyrn. Yth'kalthrak qad'paltrang tyw'enkalyrn. Qyndal syg'denwhanese kylshyq taz'altrin. Jynna'wolthyrn nol'tyw.

English translation

The majestic dragons fly through the winding mountains. The rolling hills are bathed in sunlight. This is the language of Denwhanese spoken with pride. We are the people of this land.

Decoder for each letter

  • u - /u/
  • l - /l/
  • q - /kʷ/
  • a - /a/
  • r - /r/
  • n - /n/
  • o - /o/
  • w - /w/
  • ' - glottal stop (pause in speech)
  • v - /v/
  • d - /d/
  • i - /i/
  • s - /s/
  • t - /t/
  • h - /h/
  • y - /j/
  • k - /k/
  • p - /p/
  • z - /z/
  • e - /ɛ/
  • m - /m/
  • j - /ʒ/
  • c - /ʃ/
  • b - /b/
  • x - /ks/
  • f - /f/

Qad'denwhanese krym'voldin syg'torlthyrn

Qad'denwhanese krym'voldin syg'torlthyrn. Tyw'paltrang loz'ulqarn yth'kalthrak. Jynna'wolthyrn nol'enkalyrn kylshyq taz'altrin. Qyndal syg'ryudanwo.

English translation

The Denwhanese language is spoken with pride. The winding mountains are bathed in sunlight. We are the people of this land who walk along the rolling hills. This is the language of dragons.

Decoder for each letter

  • q - /kʷ/
  • a - /a/
  • d - /d/
  • ' - glottal stop (pause in speech)
  • e - /ɛ/
  • n - /n/
  • w - /w/
  • h - /h/
  • s - /s/
  • y - /j/
  • g - /g/
  • o - /o/
  • t - /t/
  • l - /l/
  • r - /r/
  • k - /k/
  • p - /p/
  • z - /z/
  • u - /u/
  • i - /i/
  • j - /ʒ/
  • m - /m/
  • c - /ʃ/
  • x - /ks/
  • b - /b/
  • f - /f/

Nol'denwhanese qyndal syg'altrin

Yth'enkalyrn syg'voldin krym'ulqarn taz'kalthrak. Qad'torlthyrn loz'ryudanwo kylshyq jynna'paltrang. Nol'denwhanese qyndal syg'altrin. Tyw'wolthyrn kyr'syg.

English translation

The rolling hills are bathed in sunlight with the majestic dragons flying overhead. The winding roads lead to the homes of the people. This is the language of Denwhanese.

Decoder for each letter

  • y - /j/
  • t - /t/
  • h - /h/
  • ' - glottal stop (pause in speech)
  • e - /ɛ/
  • n - /n/
  • k - /k/
  • a - /a/
  • l - /l/
  • r - /r/
  • s - /s/
  • y - /j/
  • g - /g/
  • u - /u/
  • q - /kʷ/
  • o - /o/
  • z - /z/
  • j - /ʒ/
  • p - /p/
  • m - /m/
  • c - /ʃ/
  • b - /b/
  • x - /ks/
  • f - /f/

Qyndal kyr'syg jynna'wolthyrn

Jynna'denwhanese nol'paltrang kylshyq syg'ulqarn. Yth'voldin qad'enkalyrn taz'kalthrak loz'ryudanwo. Tyw'altrin krym'wolthyrn syg'torlthyrn. Qyndal kyr'syg jynna'wolthyrn.

English translation

This is the language of Denwhanese spoken with pride. The majestic dragons fly through the rolling hills and winding mountains. We are the people of this land who walk the winding roads. We are the people of this land.

Decoder for each letter:

  • j - /ʒ/
  • y - /j/
  • n - /n/
  • o - /o/
  • l - /l/
  • ' - glottal stop (pause in speech)
  • p - /p/
  • a - /a/
  • t - /t/
  • r - /r/
  • s - /s/
  • k - /k/
  • h - /h/
  • g - /g/
  • u - /u/
  • q - /kʷ/
  • e - /ɛ/
  • w - /w/
  • z - /z/
  • c - /ʃ/
  • x - /ks/
  • m - /m/
  • b - /b/
  • f - /f/

Nol'wolthyrn jynna'tyw

Krym'wolthyrn loz'qad syg'enkalyrn taz'paltrang. Tyw'ryudanwo yth'ulqarn kylshyq jynna'torlthyrn. Qyndal syg'denwhanese kyr'altrin. Nol'wolthyrn jynna'tyw.

English translation

The winding roads lead to the homes of the people who walk along the rolling hills. The majestic dragons fly through the winding mountains bathed in sunlight. This is the language of Denwhanese spoken with pride. We are the people of this land.

Decoder for each letter

  • k - /k/
  • r - /r/
  • y - /j/
  • m - /m/
  • ' - glottal stop (pause in speech)
  • w - /w/
  • o - /o/
  • l - /l/
  • t - /t/
  • h - /h/
  • q - /kʷ/
  • s - /s/
  • g - /g/
  • a - /a/
  • n - /n/
  • e - /ɛ/
  • z - /z/
  • p - /p/
  • u - /u/
  • j - /ʒ/
  • c - /ʃ/
  • x - /ks/
  • b - /b/
  • f - /f/

Denwhanese kyr'altrin syg'denwhanese loz'qad tyw'ryudanwo

Kylshyq syg'ulqarn krym'wolthyrn yth'voldin taz'paltrang, nol'ryudanwo qyndal jynna'tyw. Denwhanese kyr'altrin syg'denwhanese loz'qad tyw'ryudanwo. Jynna'denwhanese nol'paltrang syg'ulqarn yth'voldin kylshyq, taz'kalthrak qyndal'enkalyrn loz'ryudanwo.

Enkalyrn syg'krym taz'wolthyrn loz'ulqarn, jynna'torlthyrn qyndal syg'ulqarn kylshyq. Tyw'altrin syg'denwhanese kyr'altrin loz'ryudanwo. Nol'wolthyrn jynna'tyw kylshyq syg'ulqarn, yth'ryudanwo qyndal taz'paltrang.

Syg'denwhanese kyr'altrin loz'qad tyw'ryudanwo, jynna'tyw kylshyq syg'ulqarn taz'paltrang. Enkalyrn syg'krym loz'ulqarn, qyndal kylshyq taz'paltrang yth'ryudanwo. Jynna'denwhanese nol'paltrang syg'ulqarn kylshyq, yth'voldin qad'enkalyrn taz'kalthrak loz'ryudanwo.

English translation

The rolling hills and winding roads lead to the homes of the people who walk along them. Denwhanese is the language spoken in Denwhanese. The majestic dragons fly through the rolling hills and winding mountains.

The people of this land walk the winding roads and live in homes on the rolling hills. They speak Denwhanese, their language. We are the people of this land, and the dragons fly through the rolling hills.

Denwhanese is the language spoken here, and the people live on the rolling hills. The people walk along the winding roads and the dragons fly through the rolling hills. The majestic dragons fly through the winding mountains and bathe in sunlight.

kylshyq taz'paltrang jynna'torlthyrn

Jynna'kalthrak yth'ryudanwo qyndal nol'wolthyrn kyr'altrin taz'paltrang. Tyw'denwhanese syg'ulqarn loz'ryudanwo, kylshyq taz'voldin jynna'torlthyrn.

Yth'krym syg'denwhanese taz'paltrang, enkalyrn loz'ryudanwo qyndal kylshyq. Jynna'ulqarn kalthrak syg'ulqarn taz'wolthyrn yth'ryudanwo, nol'paltrang loz'voldin qyndal'enkalyrn.

Kalthrak jynna'tyw syg'ulqarn taz'voldin, yth'ryudanwo qyndal'enkalyrn loz'paltrang. Tyw'denwhanese kyr'altrin syg'ulqarn loz'wolthyrn, kylshyq taz'paltrang jynna'torlthyrn.

English translation

A group of dragons soar through the mountains. They speak in Denwhanese, their language, and enjoy the beauty of the rolling hills below.

As they fly over the rolling hills, they see the homes of the people who walk the winding roads. The dragons circle the mountains and bathe in sunlight, enjoying the view of the rolling hills below.

The dragons continue their flight, watching the people walk the winding roads and live in homes on the rolling hills. They speak in Denwhanese, their language, and revel in the beauty of the land they call home.