OpenAI Chat Prompts

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Example of an OpenAI Prompt

Summarize the text below as a bullet point list of the most important points.
Type: “”" {text input here} “”"

Response would be,
{bullet point 1}
{bullet point 2}
{bullet point 3}

Try it yourself, just copy this:
Summarize the text below as a bullet point list of the most important points. Type: “”" {text input here} “”" :and where it says text input here, just copy and paste something from the web for testing purposes in there, like below.
I used this page.

Summarize the text below as a bullet point list of the most important points. Text: “”" {The wombat is an Australian marsupial about a meter long and equipped with a short tail. This animal inhabits the forests and mountains of southeastern Australia and Tasmania but is best known for a strange curiosity that makes it unique in the world. In fact, the wombat is the only animal in the world whose excrements are cube-shaped. A few years ago, a group of scientists had even managed to discover the reason for this uniqueness, which is to be found in the intestines of these animals. The truth was discovered by comparing the intestine of the wombat with that of a pig, with the aim of figuring out what was so special about it. The wombat is reportedly capable of producing up to 100 excrement deposits per night, through which it marks territory. According to the team led by Dr. Yang of Georgia Institute of Technology who conducted the research in 2018, this is due to a feature present within its intestines. In the intestine of the wombat, the feces change from a liquid to a solid state in the last 25 percent of the tract, then in the final 8 percent a different elasticity of the walls causes the excrement to take the shape of separate cubes. This explains, according to the researchers, why they take on that characteristic and unique 2-centimeter cube shape. The excrement cubes produced by the wombat are then stacked. The higher the better since this allows the wombat to communicate better with other animals of its species.} “”"

This is what it displays.

  • The wombat is an Australian marsupial about a meter long and has a short tail.
  • Wombats inhabit the forests and mountains of southeastern Australia and Tasmania.
  • Wombats are known for their cube-shaped excrements, which is unique in the animal kingdom.
  • Researchers discovered the reason for this uniqueness by comparing the wombat's intestines with a pig's intestines.
  • Wombats can produce up to 100 excrement deposits per night to mark their territory.
  • The cube shape of wombat excrement is due to a feature in its intestines where the feces change from a liquid to a solid state in the last 25% of the tract, and in the final 8%, a different elasticity of the walls causes the excrement to take the shape of separate cubes.
  • The excrement cubes are stacked, and the higher the stack, the better the wombat can communicate with other animals of its species.
OpenAI Prompt Response

It took the paragraph and put it in a unordered list of important points.

Writing Prompts:

  • Write a short story that begins with the sentence: "The sun was setting over the horizon."
  • Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against the use of social media in education.
  • Write a descriptive paragraph about a place you have visited that has special meaning to you.

Conversation Prompts:

  • What are your thoughts on the role of technology in our daily lives?
  • If you could travel back in time to any era, which one would you choose and why?
  • What is the most interesting book you have read recently, and why did you find it so engaging?

Creative Prompts:

  • Draw a picture of a fictional creature that you have created in your mind.
  • Create a new recipe for a dish you have never tried before.
  • Design a new invention that could solve a common problem in today's society.

Reflective Prompts:

  • What are some personal qualities that you admire in others, and how do you try to cultivate those qualities in yourself?
  • Reflect on a time when you had to make a difficult decision, and explain how you approached the situation.
  • What are some things you are grateful for in your life, and why do they hold such significance for you?

Educational Prompts:

  • Explain the concept of supply and demand using real-world examples.
  • Compare and contrast the major differences between two different genres of literature.
  • Describe the process of photosynthesis and its importance to plant life.

Just type somethings in and see what OpenAI has to say or does.