The Best Bubbles Quotes

Trailer Park Boys has given viewers some funny quotes over the years, but no one is quite as relatable as Bubbles.

The shopping cart thief that lives in a shed is the anchor of the show. Despite his life in the world of crime, he stays out of jail more than Ricky and Julian. Bubble's is the most relatable member of the show and fans just love him.

Trailer Park Boys has a sstring following in it's home country of Canada. Sunnyvale Trailer Park crew have increased their fan numbers greatly since the show hit Netflix. Spawning new seasons, live specials starring the whole crew and films.

"I Can't Wait To Start Fuckin' Hammerin' People!"
Season 4, Episode 4​​​​​​​, "The Green Bastard"

Bubbles is a fan of wrestling. He loves it so much, he made his own Westler in "The Green Bastard." He donned the tights, he wanted to get in the ring and start fighting, he set his sights on Trevor (Michael Jackson) and Cory (Cory Bowles). Ricky and Bubbles team up against Randy and Jim. The match results in cheating and too many people in the ring.

"When Somebody Like Alex Lifeson Gives You A Fuckin' T-Shirt To Put On, You're Puttin' The Fuckin' Thing On. I Don't Care If You Don't Wear Shirts."
Season 3, Episode 5​​​​​​​, "Closer To The Heart"

Randy (Patrick Roach) one of the many trailer park supervisors on Trailer Park Boys, doesn't like wearing shirts, so when Alex Lifeson gives the group some t-shirts after being kidnapped by Ricky, Bubbles makes sure everyone wears them in "Closer To The Heart". Bubbles was fed up with Randy and Lahey after the two screwed the group out of tickets to see Rush. Everything worked out, they saw the band and now have t-shirts too.

"Man, I Hope It's Not A Fucking Samsquanch, I Hate Those Fucking Bastards."
Season 4, Episode 3​​​​​​​, "Rub 'N Tiz'zug"

In "Rub 'N Tiz'zug," Bubbles is alone with his cats and watching a "samsquanch" story on TV and gets scared when he hears noises outside. His door starts to open. It looks like one of those hairy things is trying to break in, he calls Ricky, who is watching the same show and they beat the monster with baseball bats. It turns out the samsquanch was just Julian, covered in blankets.

"I Can Eat A Fuckin' Bucket Myself."
The Tragically Hip: The Darkest One (Music Video 2002)

There's nothing more Canadian than the trailer park boys haggling with one of the best Trailer Park Boys celebrity cameo guests Gord Downy of the legendary Canadian rock group The Tragically Hip, about chicken.

Bubbles wakes up Ricky, saying Gord Downy will give them a bucket of chicken to steal a motor. That's when they realize a bucket isn't enough, and they ask for more. They end up settling on two buckets and a drive to the liquor store and call it a day.

"Should I Be Getting Baked For This, Boys?"
Season 7, Episode 1, "I Fucking Miss Trevor & Cory"

"This water bong is so smooth, you don't realize how high you're getting until it's too late." Bubbles enjoyed his share of weed smoking during the show. He usually had a good head on his shoulders and stayed sober for important occasions. One of the most memorable Bubbles quotes.

Ricky doesn't give him the best advice. Bubbles questioned his sobriety after trying Ricky's new weed strain before a meat stealing scheme in "I Fucking Miss Trevor & Cory" Bubbles still messed up and Ricky kept telling him to smoke more weed.

"I Ain't Never Been So Frisky Before In My Whole Life!"
Season 2, Episode 7, "The Bare Pimp Project"

J-Roc always has a scheme going, much like Julian and Ricky, J-Roc plans are the greasier side of Sunnyvale life. He attempts to film an adult movie at his mother's trailer. He convinced Bubbles to star in a movie for the second time after the first attempt was interrupted. The crew were headed towards the filming spot and Bubbles teased how excited he was. He previously revealed, that "IT" didn't happen for Bubbles often, he was excited by the thought.

“Have A Nice Day, And Go Fuck Yourself!”
Season 2, Episode 5, "The Bible Pimp"

Bubbles has a special passive-aggressiveness, he will try to be polite while also ensuring to let someone know that he's mad at them. Bubbles has repurposed it as an answer to a question in "The Bible Pimp". It was used as a title to the Christmas special "Dear Santa Claus, Go Fuck Yourself!"

“One Time I Was Making A Model, And I Glued The Wing Of A B-17 Bomber To My Bird By Accident.”
Season 4, Episode 5, "Conky"

This line in one of the best episodes of Trailer Park Boys isn't that notable of all the Bubbles quotes. Anyone that had something they're passionate about might have led to a bit of distracted absent-mindedness. Bubbles' mishap with model glue while using the bathroom. The quote also highlights Bubbles' honesty with both his friends of Sunnyvale Trailer Park.

"I'm Not Running Over A Kitty To Save Your Fucking Dope, Ricky!"
Season 2, Episode 7, "The Bare Pimp Project"

Bubbles is an animal lover, the various kitties he takes care of around Sunnyvale. In "The Bare Pimp Project," saying, that he isn't willing to hurt a kitty, even if it screws up their dope growing operation.

The boys are attempting to escape police and Bubbles is driving. a cat runs out in front of them, and Bubbles swerved to miss the cat and damaged the truck that they thought was filled with hash, but it was the growing operation stuff.

"Well, When I Was A Little Guy, I Always Wanted To Go Up Into Space, Be A Spaceman. But You Gotta Be Able To See Really Fuckin' Good To Do That Job."
Season 3, Episode 2, "Temporary Relief Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor"

"Some guy would take one look at me and say...'uhhh, sorry sir, you gotta be able to see a little better than that.' I don't give a fuck." Space is the final frontier, it was Bubbles dream, while creating the funniest Bubbles quotes. Being an astronaut is really difficult if you don't have great eyesight.

Bubbles failed aspirations missed out on getting the assistant supervisor position at Sunnyvale trailer park in "Temporary Relief Assistant Trailer Park Supervisor".

"I Don't Want To Be Known As The Guy Who Walks Up And Slaps Dadonkadonks."
Season 5, Episode 6, "Don't Cross the Shitline"

Filming one of J-Roc's "greasy movies" in "Don't Cross the Shitline," he's asked to slap one of the actresses on her ass, Bubbles doesn't feel comfortable doing that. One of the funniest Bubbles quotes. He was asked why, after he didn't have a problem with it in past movies. He explains that he was a different character then. He's not a Russian super-agent, he doesn't like the idea of objectifying women. He doesn't want to be that guy.

"Ricky, Can't We Just Have One Day Of No Yelling And No Horseshit And Just Play Some Fucking Hockey?'
Season 3, Episode 7, "The Delusions of Officer Jim Lahey"

Bubbles' life is crazy, a lot of that is because of his friend Ricky. He just wanted a break from it in "The Delusions of Officer Jim Lahey,". Up north, there's no otherway to relax, crack open a Molson, and play some street hockey. Mr. Lahey was kicked out of the police department because of the boys.

"On Special Occasions, I Always Pound The Liquor Into Me, Julian"
Season 4, Episode 1, "Never Cry Shitwolf"

Nothing like a having some drinks to celebrate your friend getting out of prison. That's what Bubbles did when Julian of Trailer Park Boys became a free man again in "Never Cry Shitwolf". He was knocking back some drinks out of a coffee pot. Bubbles gets more intoxicated and even yelled into a cop's walkie-talkie. He ends getting thrown in the drunk tank.

"Here’s What I Know, Rick. If You Love Something, Let It Go. If It Comes Back To You, You Own It. If It Doesn’t, You Don’t Own It. And If It Doesn’t You’re An Asshole, Just Like You."
Season 1, Episode 2, "Fuck Community College, Let's Get Drunk and Eat Chicken Fingers"

There are few things Bubbles loves more than kitties. He lends one to Ricky to keep him company while he's sleeping in Julian's car. Ricky thinks the cat is his so when Bubbles comes to take him back, shit starts flying.

"Lahey, Can You Please Get The Flying Fuck Out Of Our Way? We Gotta Go Get Rush Tickets!"
Season 3, Episode 5, "Closer To The Heart"

Rush comes to town, Sunnyvale is eager to see them and that's what Bubbles did. Jim Lahey (John Dunsworth) got in the way of that. Bubbles wants to go see the best bands of all time. Things go sideways when they couldn't get in. Ricky kidnaps Alex Lifeson, the band's guitarist.